
25q128jvsq datasheet

Are you in need of the WINBOND W25Q128JVSIQ datasheet? If so, we can provide both the datasheet and the chip as we are authorized agents for WINBOND. Furthermore, we possess extensive knowledge in the memory market and can offer alternatives to memory IC models, helping clients find cost-effective solutions. Feel free to reach out for inquiries.

W25Q128JVSIQ 128M-bit Serial Flash Memory with uniform 4KB sectors and Dual/Quad SPI

•Single/Dual/Quad SPI operations
• Uniform 4KB erasable sectors & 32KB/64KB erasable blocks
• 65,536 pages (256 bytes), page program in 0.7mS (typ.)
• Continuous Read with 8/16/32/64 Byte Wrap
• Clock operation up to 133MHz (266/532MHz equivalent with Dual/Quad SPI)
• 2.7 to 3.6V power supply
• Package:8-pin SOIC 208-mil, 16-pin SOIC 300-mil, 24-ball TFBGA 8×6-mm (6×4 Ball Array), 8-pad WSON 6×5-mm, 8-pad WSON 8×6-mm, 24-ball TFBGA 8×6-mm (5×5 Ball Array)

We also represent BOYAMICRO as an alternative to this model. While we don’t directly represent GD and MXIC, we’re aware that these two brands also offer alternatives to this model. Could you please specify which brand’s datasheet you require for the 25Q128JVSQ? Additionally, let us know your quality and pricing requirements, and we’ll search for the appropriate flash memory solution for you.

25q128jvsq datasheet

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